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799 Geylang Road 02-01 Singapore 389680
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88 33 1111
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About Us

Our Story

The designs of the Jewelry available in the market are arguably common in the eyes of the wearers. Many who seek a piece or two that match their personalities are often taken aback by the price brought upon them.

This has been the same case for our founder, Irene. Her taste for loud and yet elegant Jewelry pieces propelled her forward to design, source and materialise her custom Jewelry that are glamorous without being ostentatious and yet affordable.

ABCDE {ab-si-dee} is formed for this sole purpose of fulfilling the dreams of many individuals where affordable custom made Jewelry is not available. At ABCDE, we take pride in all our Jewelry and we believe there is a piece that fits you to a tee.

Our Mission

To make customised jewellery affordable for people of all walks of life.

Our Vision

To fulfil the desire of all individuals wanting to own a piece of customed jewelry they can call their own.